Chambers People

Monday, July 24, 2006

David Monk - retirement

David Monk, enjoying drinks with his friends at the Knight's Templars in Chancery Lane on Monday 24th July. David is retiring on 31st July after a long career as a barristers' clerk and as the Clerk to Mr Justice John Lindsay Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 17, 2006

David Monk

When Martin Poulter of Chambers People started his career in 1977, he worked at 7 Stone Buildings, under the direction of the late, great, Ernest Waring, and his First Junior Clerk, David Monk. The chambers in those days comprised of 11 barristers, of whom three were QC's - including Ian Edwards-Jones QC, Leonard Bromley QC, and (the then) Andrew Morritt QC. From those chambers came Mr Justice Peter Gibson, Mr Justice Nigel Davis, and Mr Justice John Lindsay. When David left the employment of 7 Stone Buildings nearly 10 years ago, he became the Clerk to Mr Justice Lindsay at the Royal Courts of Justice. David is retiring at the end of this term. The Judge gave a valedictory speech about David, today (Friday 28th July), in Ct 62.

My long lasting memory of David is seeing him in the middle of mending the photocopier when I came back from court one day, covered with black soot from the inside of the machine (at least the size of a pool table in those days), and smoke pouring out of the copier room due to a paper jam that had turned into a small blaze. David, with his sleeves rolled up, trying to put the machine back together again! Happy days....!

Chambers People

Bill Conner

Chambers People are delighted that Bill Conner has been appointed at Hollis Whiteman Chambers (QEB, Temple) as the new Senior Clerk. He will take up his post in September. It means that 36 Bedford Row, the chambers where Bill currently works, is looking for a new Senior Clerk. The new person will have to be experienced in Crime, Civil and Family work ideally, so that they can look after all the interests of the different teams within chambers.
Chambers People